Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Best Night Ever

One day I walked myself back home
Never again would I walk alone
The very next day a girl I re-met
And in the dark parking lot we set.

We broke down doors and danced a bit
We ran and jumped, but didn't smoke no shit
She was, by far the most beautiful there
From her toes all the way to her wavy brown hair.

I'll never forget the night we hugged first
I think my pants were about to burst.

Who Am I?

I write and write
some brooding
some trite
I spin a yarn
I tell a tale
People live
And people die
With the stroke
of my pen.
One is born
and matures
with simple strokes
And sometimes
it's not enough
To write a little
I have to write some more
Like the scarlet whores
Covered in sores
This is who I am.


On a cold wood floor
Over a foggy moor
Sorround us completely

As we reach out
For help
And no one comes
To our aid.

Help us


Satan giggles
every time we lie
Satan giggles
every time we cry

Satan laughs
every time we try
Satan laughs
every time we die