Saturday, July 16, 2011

White Lilies

White lilies
I remember everything
Your scent
You were my everything
If only you knew
What had become
Of me and you
Dark chocolate
And cigarette kisses
AFI and painting
Pictures in the park
Shows after dark
Sneaking around
And now I'm left
Nothing to do but yearn
Nothing to do but learn
From my mistakes and try
To figure out what
I did wrong and why
You rarely even talk
When we talk it's nothing
What happened to
The old times when
It was just lilies
And dark chocolate
With cigarette kisses

Friday, July 08, 2011


I remember when we were young
Children, playing in the sun.

A woman told us to have faith
That was enough to keep us saved.

And as we all got older
Our hearts became colder.

I don't know how a God could let
Any of this happen, all my regret.

I can't see you, you don't exist
Why would you let a friend cut their wrist?

Does no one else see the sick joke?
Does anyone else want to smoke?
Does anyone else want to drink?

Does anyone else want to be free enough to have a brain and think?