Tuesday, June 14, 2011

After All We've Been Through

How can you think I don't love you
After all we've been through?
How can you think I sleep at night
After all we've been through?
How can you think I live in peace
After all we've been through?

There's something to be said
For lives intertwined and lost.
There's something to be said
For times full of empathy and reason.
There's something to be said
For episodes of sub-psychotic rage.

And now I'm lonelier than ever
Just sitting around writing in remorse.
And now I'm only go through the motions
Just sitting around writing in remorse.
And now I'm broken and I'll never be whole
Just sitting around writing in remorse.


Black clouds
On the grey sky
Street lights
Burned out
Trees dying
Waste of light
Waste of life
In the minds eye
It thwarts us


New relationships breed hate
Tying nooses to love another
Loading guns to kiss another
Buying drugs to fuck another

Old relationships breed lies
Everything is alright
Everything is normal
Everything is great


                  fuck <--> HEDONIST


i might be losing it

         i hate the clown inside

if i snap tomorrow

                i want it documented

that i tried

     i tried too hard

          and then gave up

to live another life