Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Best Night Ever

One day I walked myself back home
Never again would I walk alone
The very next day a girl I re-met
And in the dark parking lot we set.

We broke down doors and danced a bit
We ran and jumped, but didn't smoke no shit
She was, by far the most beautiful there
From her toes all the way to her wavy brown hair.

I'll never forget the night we hugged first
I think my pants were about to burst.


Collin Jones said...

you stole my name. Where are you now man?

Collin Jones said...

Yo I totally didnt stealyour name haha... its my pseudonym for writing, i started using it in like... 7th grade... my moms maiden name is Jones and my parents werent married when I was born so I use her last name even though my legal name is cron haha... and the extra L was just for shits and giggles haha... it turn out to be a great coincidence though.

I'm in japan thanks to the army :-P