Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Friends We Will Be

Lovers are long gone
But friendship will last
Live for the future
Don't dwell in the past
I missed you as a friend
And I thought about you
And the messages I used to send
Made me see that I'm blue
But now I see you hold no
Ill will towards me
And I've got to say so
I'm so fucking happy
We may not be lovers
And that's fine with me
We're not under the covers
But friends we will be.


matthew said...

i myself am trying strongly to become a professional poet i literally have a desk full of qoutes sayings haiku and long poems but dont know what to do with them .hmmmmmmmmm.......

Collin Jones said...

I am nowhere near a professional poet. I would give my right arm (if it wasn't my write arm) to be Billy Collins or Poe. My theory is that I will keep writing and if anyone likes my writing, they like my writing and I have done someone a favor. If people don't like my writing, then I put it out there and I did the best I could.

So keep trying, man. You can never go wrong with poetry.